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Dental Technology

Over 40 Years of Experience
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Cosmetic Imaging

Cosmetic imaging allows you to preview your smile before your treatment even starts! We take images of your current smile and change them to show how it will look after your treatments have been completed. Altogether, we will review the images and modify them until it shows exactly how you want your smile to look. Most patients want to start their treatments right away after seeing their new smiles on digital imaging!

Digital X-Ray

Digital X-rays allows your dentist to take an image of your tooth or teeth and put it into an imaging program. In this imaging program, there are a number of tools that will allow the dentist to take a very close look at the teeth and surrounding areas with amazing accuracy. The digital X-ray also provides nearly 80% less radiation than a standard X-ray due to the fact that the digital version of the X-ray is more sensitive to this radiation and was specifically designed with the patient in mind.

Intraoral Camera

The intraoral cameras we use at Dr. John Stivers make you a better partner in your own dental care. They allow us to show you what we see in your mouth on a computer monitor, so you can make more informed decisions. 

These cameras allow us to zero in on any suspicious area of your mouth, teeth, or gums and get a closeup view, which helps in our diagnosis and treatment planning.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is the most commonly used form of sedation in dentistry. You inhale the gas while being monitored by your doctor. The gas allows you to fall into a euphoric state and feel completely relaxed, allowing you to feel calm while your dental procedure is performed. 

Nitrous oxide is very safe and effective. Once your procedure is completed, the nitrous oxide will wear off quickly and you should be able to drive yourself home and return to your normal daily routine.

You will need to have a preliminary appointment with your dentist to ensure you're an eligible candidate for nitrous oxide sedation. Ask us about sedation dentistry at your next visit!


If you're suffering from headaches from clenching your jaws, NTI-Tension Supression System may be the answer. Dentists have discovered that this small plastic device worn over the front two teeth can break the cycle of jaw clenching.

The FDA has approved this device for the treatment of headaches. The NTI-TSS will be fitted to your teeth and you wear it at night to reduce the intense muscle contractions of your scalp and jaw that cause migraines and jaw pain.

If you have frequent headaches, contact us to see if the NTI-TSS could benefit you.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer screenings are a very important part of your dental visits. With advances in modern technology, your dentist is able to pinpoint the start of a potential problem much earlier in its evolution, which is so extremely important in being able to treat issues before they become a major irreversible problem. 

The oral cancer screening is completed with an ultraviolet light or similar device that allows us to view issues that aren't always visible to the human eye. Certain lifestyle choices can have an impact on the health of tissues and the overall health of your mouth. If you're a smoker or a heavy drinker, be sure to get regular screenings when you visit the dentist.


A panorex is an imaging machinery that is capable of identifying many issues that a normal X-ray cannot. You sit in a chair with your chin on a small ledge, and the machine will rotate around your entire head to take a full 360 degree view of the teeth, head, sinuses, and bones.

The ability to view the full structure of your head as a whole is very informative for the dentist. It allows us to see any potential problems and ensure everything is functioning properly. The panorex is capable of viewing specific types of structural problems, infections, asymmetry, and more.

Soft Tissue Laser

The soft tissue laser is important for cosmetic applications and periodontal treatment. The advantages of laser treatment are the same for both; you experience less pain and bleeding than with conventional treatments and heal faster.

The Wand

The Wand is a revolutionary, computer-controlled local anesthesia injection system that provides a more comfortable and effective anesthetic delivery. The Wand helps us to produce a more predictable, comfortable injection and use less anesthetic; often eliminating or reducing the numbing of your face, tongue, and lips.


The T-scan is a computerized device that enables us to accurately measure your bite and fine tune corrections for a comfortable bite that doesn't harm your teeth.

Call to schedule your appointment today!

Consultations and second opinions

(502) 818-0008

(502) 818-0008

"Dr. Stivers has been my dentist since my first tooth and I'm 37 years old. He is a great dentist, his staff is kind and wonderful! I would recommend him to anyone that wants great dental care with a smile!"

- Amanda Rothrock

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